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Days of RSWLC activity within the Russian WW PSK Contest

International shortwave radio competitions Russian WW PSK Contest are held by the Russian Digital Radio Club in the period from 12:00 UTC on February 20 to 11:59 UTC on February 21, 2021.

Types of modulation: BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125.

There is no SWL subgroup within the competition. The Russian International Short Wave Listener Club (R-SWL-C) holds days of activity among SWL during the period of these competitions.

The participants of the activity day need to spend at least 30 unique SWL for the participants of the Russian WW PSK Contest.

The HEARD and WORKED stations are counted once for the entire receiving period.

All participants who sent the report will receive a certificate of participation in the activity day and a contest diploma «Heard All Radio» DIGITAL.

The PSK mods in the report should be identified as follows:
BPSK125 – PO

Reports in Cabrillo data format must be sent to the following email address no later than 7 days after the end of the days of activity.


The competition showed extremely low activity of listeners. Only one report was received from R0L-45.


Days of RSWLC activity within the Russian WW PSK Contest (20-21.II.2021)
Club standings in the Russian DX Contest (20-21.III.2021)
Morse Runner Contest (12.IV.2021)
SWL-contest: Victory Day (08-09.V.2021)
SWL-contest: Heard all countries (18-19.XII.2021)
SWL rating (RSWLC-2021)
RDA contest-2022, RSWLC club standings (20-21.VIII.2022)

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